Gobble Plus Cleaner Terra Pak 10L Jug - Germiphene Corp (GOB-AS-TP) - Gift Card - $10

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SKU: gobble10
Regular price $400.00 CAD

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Gobble Plus Cleaner Terra Pak 10L Jug - Germiphene Corp (GOB-AS-TP)


  • An environmentally friendly combination of enzyme-creating bacteria that immediately break down and “eat” organic matter, resulting in clean and deodorized suction lines
  • Easy to use – measure, dilute and suction right from the bottle
  • Works continuously, producing residual action between uses
  • Contains no harsh or hazardous chemicals
  • Non foaming, amalgam separator friendly
  • Safe on plastics, metals or carbon filters
  • Mild formulation with pH range 7±1
  • 2L Gobble Plus = 67 Treatments
  • SKU gobble10
  • Barcode gobble10